Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Boy Naughty - The Kinky Housewarming Gift

Radha's housewarming gift from us, her colleagues...
And I couldn't resist taking a pic with it when we visited her house today......


Victor's coming back tomorrow!!!!



ThugChic said...

enna oru santhosam..with e lamp..

*BabyKet* said...

Hahahahaha!!! I likeeeee!!

ThugChic said...

i hope u see this somehow babe..
this wasnt wat i was intending to reply you...

we all love and miss you babe...seeing all ur pics is jus a painful reminder that...u r no longer ard...

my dear theruvilaku, take care of yourself wherever you are now.

with much love and heartpain,

Unknown said...


You're not here. But hey, I miss you already. I miss that exuberance. I'm pretty lost now. At least, I know when I last saw you, we hugged and you were so happy.

Love ya, babe. We'll miss you.

Ja (Mumtaz)