Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Being involved in the Primary One Registration these few years has shown me the different kind of parents that exist.

"Weekend Parents" - This refers to parents who leave their children at the grandparent's place or aunt's/uncle's home from Mondays to Fridays and only fetch them back during the weekends. There are instances where the children don't go back home to their parent's place due to the parent's work commitment.

Ask such parents why and they are armed with plenty of excuses. "I can't afford a maid so I have to leave my kids with my parents.", "I'm too tired after work to fetch my child back home so I only fetch them during the weekends.", "I live very far from from my parents and my workplace is nearer to my home."

Valid reasons, aren't they? But give it a deep thought...

The children see very little of their parents. They are only able to spend time with their parents during the weekends. 2 days a week. The children would not be able to bond with them. They do not get the attention they need from their parents.

At the same time, you can't blame the parents too. They would rather buy a flat at a cheaper price and as a result, it may be a distance from their parents'/siblings' place. Their work might require them to work long hours. Its difficult trying to work and family and strike a balance. And all these just point to one conclusion : Having a family in Singapore is not easy anymore.

"Overseas Parents" - These are parents who work overseas and leave their children with their parents or siblings. They spend a few years working overseas and return occasionally during holidays. Work commitment is important, understandble. But isn't family commitment equally important too? I know that parents work hard to provide the best for their family and children. But then money can't replace the love and attention parents are supposed to shower on their kids. This is essential for a good long lasting relationship between parent and child.

Is it fair that the person work away from family and kids, make lots of money, come back after a long time and expect them to bond with you?

"Smelly Parents" (My term for them) - Those who should be shoot dead for becoming parents; Parents who neglect their children. These are those people who understand the basic responsibilities of their roles. They go missing, leaving their children with unsuspecting parents or siblings. They go to prison, not bothered that their children are the ones who suffer out of their actions. They re-marrying, shunning the children and expecting someone to bear their burdens.

Becoming a parent is easy but fuifilling the duties as one is not. If you thought being a parent is tough, I say being a good one is even tougher.

I understand that aborting a child is a sin but its better than committing a bigger sin by not taking care of the child properly. At least the child wouldn't have the chance to experience the kind of hardship that it should at all.

God already made life unfair. He can do that...coz he's God. Let's not try to make it unfair to someone else.

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